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Faculty Services: Databases

Who we are and our goals; what we offer to you and your students, and how you can better integrate library services and information literacy into your courses.

Linking to Library Resources

CCBC Library offers a variety of online licensed content that may be linked to Brightspace including articles, E-books, streaming videos, research guides and LibraryLearn. This is an easy way to provide copyrighted materials with students in compliance with copyright laws. You also need to worry about authentication issues.


Click an option below to find instructions on how to add links for:

Finding a Database URL

1.  Locate the database you are interested in recommending to your students by going to the Article & Research Databases on the library website.

2.  Do not click to go into the database; instead, right click on the database title and choose to copy the link location.

3.  Follow instructions to put a link into Brightspace on the right box.

How to Link on Brightspace

You can include an external link within the Content, Discussions, or Assessments areas.  Library links should always open in an external window and can be added to a module, topic, subtopic or assessment.  You cannot create an external link to open directly from the Table of Contents; however, you can create a module for Table of Contents that includes a library link or other useful external links. 

After selecting a library resource and locating the URL, within Brightspace, select the area you wish to add the link.

1.  Click Upload/Create in the module menu.

2.  Select Create a Link.

3.  In the popup window, enter a title and copy/paste or type in the URL. Check the box next to "Open as External Resource." While you cannot track the student progress of the link, you could track the content area in which the link is located.  Click on Create.

4.  If you want to include instructions or a description for the external library link, click on the context menu arrow next to the link title on the content page.  Choose "Edit Properties In-place." 

5.  You can add dates and restrictions and a description that the student will see on the content page.