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Faculty Services: Database Alerts

Who we are and our goals; what we offer to you and your students, and how you can better integrate library services and information literacy into your courses.

Why create alerts?

Alerts can be used by students and faculty to stay up-to-date with new publications, either from a particular journal or a subject. The alerts can be emailed or included in an RSS feed and are customizable. Directions for setting up alerts for two major database publishers are below. 

To use alerts, you have to create (or use an existing) account on the database - either Ebsco or ProQuest. These accounts are independent from library/CCBC accounts. 

Alerts from ProQuest

Email alert for Proquest

Alerts from Ebsco


To save your search as an alert from the Share link:

  1. Run a search and view your search results.

  2. Click the Share link and select E-mail Alert from the resulting pop- up menu. The Create Alert window appears over the result list.

Create Alert Ebsco

3. If you have not done so already, click the Sign in link in the alert window to sign into your My EBSCOhost folder.

4.Set your alert parameters and click Save Alert.
