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Immigrant & Refugee: Home

Embracing and Exploring Identity
Forging Resilience and Community
Searching for Her Birth Family
Nothing Prepares A Child Like Stories
Seffarine: Blending Cultures into Music
Building A Future With Forgiveness
Even the Angels Could Be Capricious
From the Old, Comes Something New
Opening Minds With Education
Surviving A Minefield Of Terrors
I Am My Mother’s Daughter
Composing A New Life
Becoming and Never Looking Back
East-West Encounters
Pushing Boundaries Through Music
Evading Stigmas and Stereotypes
A Musician’s Education
Spreading Love Through Coffee
Portland Ukrainians’ Plea
Using Identity to Live Out Loud
Past Passions, New Horizons
The Art of Learning New Things
A Lifetime of Listening
Art and Life: Trusting the Process
Choosing the Road Less Traveled