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Civic Education: Resource Hub: Immigration Policies

Resource hub for faculty participating in the Teagle Foundation American Civic Life Infusion Initiative

Module Objectives

  • Write paragraphs and short essays that respond to course content and are academic in nature;
  • Use the writing process to generate and organize ideas;
  • Apply strategies to choose and narrow the topic of a paragraph and short essay;
  • Write paragraphs and short essays with clearly stated main idea, supporting details, and concluding sentence;
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in the development of ideas;
  • Write paragraphs and short essays with unity and coherence;
  • Develop the main idea of a paragraph and short essay with concrete detail;
  • Use level appropriate grammar and sentence structure in paragraphs and short essays;
  • Use a variety of level appropriate sentence types in paragraphs and short essays;
  • Use a variety of level appropriate transition devices to achieve coherence in paragraphs and short essays;
  • Consider audience and genre when writing paragraphs and short essays;
  • Write paragraph-length summaries;
  • Paraphrase sentences and longer passages;
  • Incorporate advanced vocabulary from course content into writings;
  • Respond to a range of theme-based, advanced texts on global, social, and cultural topics, both orally and in writing;
  • Revise and edit for errors in level appropriate grammar, sentence structure, mechanics, and organization; and
  • Use technology to enhance language skills, conduct basic research, and produce written work.

Unit created by Sean McClelland


The library also offers instruction sessions that are fully customizable for online and face-to-face instruction:

Lesson 1 Resources

Read and watch the following:

Lesson 2 Resources

Read and watch the following:

Lesson 3 Resources

Library Resources

Check each week's box for library databases, help, and more.

For help with MLA Citations see our library guide:

Students can request a Research Assistance Program Appointment with a Librarian or ask the Librarian at the desk any time for help with research or citations!

More Databases: