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World Languages: Cultural Paper Assignment: Spanish

Your library resource for information on different cultures!

Keywords and searching tips

Examples of keywords to use while searching a database

  • Gender AND Spanish-speaking country
  • Religious minorities AND Spanish-speaking country
  • Indigenous people AND Spanish-speaking country

Searching tips when using a database

  • Put quotation marks around words
  • Use AND to combine keywords and phrases (like the samples above)
  • Be specific or broaden your ideas
  • Use advanced search mode

*see handout below for more tips!

MLA Citation Information

Other Useful Guides

Video Introduction

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The librarian will talk with you about your assignment, the types of information you need,
the resources you can use, and explain how to use them.

Cultural Paper Assignment

Within heterogeneous societies, some diverse groups end up being underrepresented and thus marginalized. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate knowledge of a diverse, underrepresented group in a heterogeneous Spanish-speaking country. Explore the cultural aspects of the group that you choose; research and discuss its cultural contributions, experiences, values, histories and power struggles as a diverse group.

Database for Country Information

Global Road Warrior

A useful resource for information on different countries. Great spot to learn about cultures, languages, business, and other socio-economic factors.

Databases for Cultural Information

A handout on how to search Proquest databases like Arts and Humanities.

An introduction to searching on the database JSTOR.