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Nursing Practice: Nursing Journal

Health Science Databases

Primary Source vs. Secondary Source

Empirical Research (Primary Source): Studies that are based on observations or experiments. Clinical trials, case studies, and meta-analyses are typical empirical research.

Literature Review (Secondary Source): Articles that summarize the research on a particular topic. They often include a summary, a systematic review, and meta-analyses.

Case Study (Primary Source): Articles that provide real cases from clinical practice. They often include descriptions of symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Clinical Trial (Primary Source): Studies that are often based on large cohorts of people. They typically include descriptions of methodology and control groups.

Position Paper (Secondary Source): Papers of opinions that reflect personal thoughts, or institutional beliefs, or a conclusion based on facts. Their typical goal is to persuade or influence the reader.

Book Review (Secondary Source): Papers of opinions that critique recent publications in the field. They tend to be brief and to the point.

Evidence-Based Keywords

To find evidence-based practice articles in a library research database, you may use the keywords below, in addition to your topics.
Qualitative Keywords Quantitative Keywords
Case Study Clinical Trial
Focus Group Control Group
Interview Sampling
Observation Experiment
Description Statistics
Narrative Survey

Evidence-Based Research