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LibraryLEARN: Home

Learn the basics about Research! From creating your research question to evaluating and citing your sources.



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Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

Why does Information Literacy Matter?

Information Literacy (IL) refers to the ability to recognize a need for information and to find, analyze, and synthesize related material from books, articles, websites and more.

CCBC's Information Literacy Competencies -   A CCBC Graduate...

1. Understands the research process is inquiry based and begins with building background knowledge.

2. Recognizes that there are different types of information that are organized and used in different ways.

3. Identifies key concepts of an open-ended question and broadens or narrows to suit the assignment.

4. Chooses information sources based on criteria appropriate to the assignment.

5. Values varying points of view in information resources and recognizes their own point of view.

6. Locates information sources from library databases using basic database functionality and simple search strategies.

7. Uses information ethically.