Animated AtlasAnimated Atlas portrays large chapters of American history quickly by animating maps and geographic features. For school, home and genealogy use. Geography worksheets
Free RiceTo play click on humanities, math, English grammar and vocabulary, chemistry, science and geography.
Computer/Technical Skills
Power TypingLearn typing with free online typing lessons for Qwerty or Dvorak keyboard; Use typing games to practice typing;
Take timed typing test to find your typing speed more...
Typing-WebTypingWeb is a free online typing tutor & keyboarding tutorial for typists of all skill levels. TypingWeb includes entertaining typing games, typing tests, and free official typing certification.
On-Line CalculatorA variety of on-line calculators, including scientific calculator
GED Study Guide | Social Studies Lesson 6: Levels and Branches of Government
Three Co-Equal Branches of Government?
Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances: Crash Course Government and Politics #3
GED Social Studies: history, geography, economics and civics
GED Social Studies: history, geography, economics and civicsPrepare to pass the GED Social Studies test through this Education Portal course in history, geography, economics and civics. Watch our series of brief video presentations to learn about prominent historical figures, ranging from Socrates, Plato and Julius Caesar to Martin Luther, Karl Marx and Mohandas Gandhi. You also can explore major historical events, including the 100 Years War, the Civil War, and World Wars I and II, and significant inventions, like the compass and the printing press. Our lessons include written transcripts and short self-assessment quizzes, all of which were developed by Education Portal's team of experienced and knowledgeable social studies teachers. Please note that this course is not intended for students preparing for the new GED.
Social Science Study Guides & Quizzes
Pearson Places: psychologyScience activities, quizzes,videos, review questions... on high school psychology
Education Portal $ -Social ScienceSocial science courses in psychology, sociology, government, communications, and more! Our self-paced video lessons can help you study for exams, earn college credit, or boost your social science grades.