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LGBTQ Guide: Oral History Project

LGBTQ Oral History Books

Week 1 (May 31-June 3)

Orientation Meeting for all participants (can be on TEAMS or in-person). Come prepared to discuss reading and the oral history interviews you watched or listened to.

Read pages 58-the end of the chapter of Maryland LGBTQ Historic Context Study, and this short history of the LGBTQ rights movement. When reading chapter 3 of Dr. Ferentinos' report, you can skim over sections that don't interest you, but be prepared to discuss this. One question to think about is what did you learn? What didn't you know before reading it?

Listen to an oral history from the ACT UP Oral History Project, or the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. You can watch part of several interviews or all of one.  At the Veterans project, search for something to listen to and listen to a few minutes of results. Take note of good interviewing skills/questions as well as issues with the actual filming of the interview.

To look at other resources, click on the history page in this guide.

Week 3 (June13-17)

Attend workshop with Professor Jeremy Caplan on interviewing skills. This will be an online workshop on Friday, June 17th at 9:30.

Write a first draft of interview questions and send to Prof. Caplan for approval by Tuesday, June 21st. 

Week 5 (June 27-July 1)

Interview informant  

Begin transcribing the interview, rewriting your “setting the scene” paragraph, and identifying key clips (see 6th week for more info)  

Attend group meeting (TBD) 

Week 2 (June 6-10)

Attend workshop with Dr. Ferentinos on June 8th (9-2)

Read Information from the Library of Congress on Interviewing and conducting an oral history and the Oral History Association's Principles and Best Practices page. 

Optional to watch After Stonewall film on LGBTQ recent history (You will need your CCBC username and password) You should be doing some connecting of what Dr. Ferentinos talks about and your informant's time on the CCBC campus. 

Begin writing a paragraph “setting the scene” that will provide historic context for your interview. More information about this assignment will be provided in a separate document. Email to Jill and Christine for feedback when completed (by the end of Week 3). 

Informant information will be given out

Week 4 (June 20-24)

Attend group technology training on Weds., June 22 from 10-12 in LIBR 112 on the Essex Campus.

Revise interview questions based on feedback from Prof. Caplan. 

Week 6 (July 5-8)

Finish transcribing the interview. 

Rewrite your “setting the scene” paragraph with your new knowledge from the interview and incorporating any feedback from your previous draft. Provide any historical context someone would need to understand the interview. 

Identify key clips from your interview (3-7 minutes long) to highlight. Write down the time stamps and what is discussed at these time stamps that is worth highlighting. 

Email transcript, your revised “setting the scene” paragraph, and the time stamps for the key clips from your interview to Jill and Christine. 

Fill out Project Evaluation form and send to Jill.